The Moon Phase for today:
The zodiac symbol for today, enter Month and Date
Deciphering between Waning and Waxing moons...
Waxing Moon: During this phase the earth is “exhaling” or "ascending" and releasing. The growing energies are drawn into the upper plant. It is time to sow plants intended for their characteristics above ground, such as shrubs, trees, and flowering plants.
Waning Moon: During this phase the earth is "inhaling" or "descending" and absorbing. The growing energy is pulled down towards the roots. This is the time to water, or use natural fertilizers which will be well absorbed by soil and into the plant. This is the time to be weeding!
Using the zodiac month will help determine which type of plants to sow or harvest in accordance with the moon cycle.
For example:
If it was a Waxing Gibbous in the month of Scorpio, I might consider SOWING a LEAF plant, such as spinach.